Hammock Bay Sign


Fiscal Year 2025: October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025

Welcome to the official website of Hammock Bay Community Development
District established on February 10, 2004. This website is funded on behalf of the
Community Development Districts in an effort to help educate the general public
about the services provided by the District and to highlight the other agencies
involved in the day-to-day operations of the community. These agencies include,
but are not limited to, the Hammock Bay CDD and the Homeowner’s Association.

The Community Development District provides administrative, legal, and financial
services for the Community Development District. It administers the Districts
current debt and ensures that the bond is being paid down annually. All other
services for residents are provided through the Homeowners Association.

The Community Development District is legally organized under the provisions of
Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes. As such it operates under different
requirements than the Homeowners Association. The differences include
advertised Board meetings, all District documents are public records and
available to the public and public hearings for the adoption the annual budget.
The agenda package for each Board meeting is posted on the website one week
prior to each Board meeting.

The Hammock Bay Community Development District is currently managed by
Inframark, with Bob Koncar acting as the District Manager. For all questions
related to the operation of the Community Development District, bond payoffs
and other questions please contact Bob Koncar at 904/626-0593.